Sunday, July 13, 2008


Yes, it has finally happened. I am blogging about a diet. So far, so good, too. I started a week ago and as of yesterday morning, I had lost 6 pounds. Weekends are the worse time for me when dieting, so I expect when I weigh Monday morning, those six pounds will have reappeared. My biggest challenge will be in another week when I have an out-of-town business trip for five nights. Eating three meals out everyday will take a toll on my diet. I'll watch my carbs and try to eat salads, grilled or baked meats, and lots of veggies, if possible. And, unless I can rent a laptop, I will be without a computer for the whole trip. I think I'm more worried about computer withdrawal than my diet.

I'm sorry, I have no recipe for today. The only thing I have cooked in the past week was putting a roast in the slow cooker. My husband has done all the cooking this week.


1 comment:

  1. Can he come up and cook for me?

    With two extra kids in the house, we're doing Sloppy Joe's tonight; Chicken stir-fry Tues; Spaghetti on Wed; the kids leave on Thurs, so depending on when, we'll either do left-overs or eat out.
