Saturday, January 31, 2009

Snow and Ice and No Power

My part of Indiana was hit hard by an ice store this week and I was out of power for four days. Thank goodness for woodstoves. At least we kept fairly warm and no frozen pipes. We're back to full power now, but our computer monitor lost it battle with the power spikes. I'm now on a really old computer that is very limited. As such, my posts here will be cut back until we can get either a new monitor, or possibly a new laptop. We're debating on which, but leaning toward the laptop.

We were pretty prepared for the outage, but found that we lacked in canned goods to cook on our stove we use for camping. We learned a lot about being ready for no power and will be ready next time, which I hope is a long time from now.

Everyone stay warm, and if I can I'll try and get a new recipe up here soon.

(waitng for the thaw)

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