Sunday, July 26, 2009

Butter Pound Cake

I bet you all thought I had forgotten about my blog. No way, I couldn't forget about it or my readers. I was on vacation this past week and my husband and I went camping at a State Park not far from here. Once the rain stopped and the fog cleared, the views were spectacular.

Oh yeah, did I mention rain? Not just rain, but pouring rain all day on the day we arrived. We knew the forecast and had prepared for it, or so I thought. Once we arrived, I donned my poncho and my husband unloaded the tent and we started putting it up. Suddenly, I hear a naughty word come out of my husband's mouth. It turned out that he forgot to bring two of the tent poles. We went over our options, but the only one we came back to was to go buy a new tent. We drove to the nearest town and to Target and bought a new tent. We opted to go for a smaller one since we were on a budget and we figured the poles were at home somewhere.

The rain stopped the next day and we had wonderful weather. It was even cool enough to sit comfortably around the campfire that night.

I bet you're wondering what all this has to do with Butter Pound Cake as the title of this entry suggests. Well, while we were camping, I didn't have much to eat that was sweet because I have been trying to diet. We all know about those cravings when we diet and by the time I got home, I wanted something sweet. I probably should have stuck to my diet and made an Angel Food Cake. I had even left the box of mix on the counter to fix when we returned. But no, I wanted something sweet and not on my diet. I went through my recipes and decided on the Butter Pound Cake. This is a delicious cake and so easy to make.

Butter Pound Cake
1 C. butter
1 3/4 C. sugar
5 eggs
2 C. flour
1 t. vanilla

Cream the butter, sugar, and vanilla together. Add the eggs, beating well after each one. Add the flour and mix well. Pour into a greased and floured Bundt pan or angel food cake pan. Bake for about 1 hour at 325°.

This cake is good just itself, but I've seen it with a variety of flavored icings. You can drizzle a powdered sugar glaze over it, or heat a tub of chocolate store-bought frosting in the microwave just to the pouring point (make sure you have removed all of the foil lid before microwaving) and pour on top of the cake, letting it run down on the sides.


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