Sunday, February 6, 2011

Making dill pickles into sweet pickles

My aunt was a wonderful cook and she passed on many of her recipes to me. I think I've posted a few on here in the past. Today, I wanted to share her recipe for making sweet pickles out of dill pickles. The first time I saw this recipe made, my mother did it. I was convinced that she was crazy and that there was no way you could make sweet pickles out dills. I watched as she mixed everything together and periodically turned the jar she left sitting in her sink dish rack. Amazingly, it worked and they were delicious. I was convinced. I've added this recipe to my list of what I call "Magic Recipes."

To be honest, my aunt's recipe does not list what size jar of pickles to use. It just says large jar of pickles. The best I can remember, I use a 46 oz. jar of large whole dill pickles. I like to use the large whole pickles and cut them into bite size pieces, but you can just as easily used the hamburger slices, if you want.

With this being Super Bowl Sunday, if you are in need of just one more appetizer, you might want to give this one a try.

Sweet Pickles from Dill Pickles

46 oz. jar of whole dill pickles
2 C. sugar
1 t. celery seed
4 T. vinegar

Pour dill juice out of jar. Slice or chop pickles to desired size and place back in jar. Add sugar, celery seed, and vinegar. Replace lid and turn the jar until sugar has dissolved. The pickles will make their own juice. Store in refrigerator until serving time.


  1. THANK you, Ms. Carol! It's just the recipe I needed: identical to my incredible x-mother-in-law;s. I knew she used some sort of celery something or another and found your blog in the search. I'll come back later and see what's been cooking since February. Have a great Thursday.

  2. You're very welcome. Glad to be of some help.


  3. Take the celery seed and vinegar out of the recipe and add about 15-20 crushed peppermints and let them dissolve. Unreal!

  4. I have been looking for this recipe for years thank you so much for sharing!!!!!

  5. I just moved to Moldova and they only have dill pickles in the stores here. I remembered my grandmother and mom doing this with dill slices when i was a young girl - thankfully I found your recipe! Blessings!

  6. What happens if I leave out the celery seed? I don't have any.

  7. It should be fine without the celery seed.

  8. How long will the pickles last if kept in the refrigerator?

  9. I'm really not sure. Around my house, they're eaten pretty quickly.
